Summer Gear Slam 2021
PG’s Summer Gear Slam is a great way to show your newest, hottest gear to PG’s audience! Launching in July 2021, we’re offering a PG Gear Spotlight Event to spread the word (and sights and sounds) about your gear. Featuring video demos / interviews with PG’s editors, the Summer Gear Slam will present these Gear Spotlight videos to a huge online audience.
What you’ll get with the Full Package:
- 5-10 min demo video and interview about your new product
- An Enhanced Landing page for your product release featuring your press release, an image gallery (or video), and links for dealers.
- Your product announcement displayed in the content feed on Premier Guitar’s homepage.
- Built-in Social Media Promotion across our social platforms
- Inclusion in weekly video round-up eNewsletter
Here’s how it works:
Once booked and approved by the editorial team, you will schedule your Zoom interview and demo via our appointment software. Your appointment will last approximately 60 min. Click here to see full instructions and watch our handy-dandy explanation video
Full Package
Best way to showcase your new gear this summer!
Per video
5-10 min demo video and interview about your new product, akin to the new Rig Rundown format
An Enhanced Landing page for your product release featuring your press release, an image gallery (or video), and links for dealers.
Your product announcement displayed in the "Latest News" content feed on Premier Guitar's homepage.
Buy it now/Dealer links
Built-in Social Media Promotion across our social platforms
Inclusion in weekly video round-up eNewsletter
Click Here to apply
Ask your sales rep about discounts for additional videos!
Best deal
Enhanced Landing Page
Lower-budget option to get access to Premier Guitar's audience with your gear
Per release
Your product release featuring your press release, an image gallery, and links for dealers
Displayed in the "Latest News" content feed on Premier Guitar's
Buy it now/Dealer links
5-10 min demo video and interview about your new product, akin to the new Rig Rundown format
Built-in Social Media Promotion across our social platforms
Inclusion in weekly video round-up eNewsletter
Social Media Promotion
Expand your Enhanced Landing Page with promotion on Facebook and Instagram
Reach our Facebook Audience (700,000+ Likes)
Reach our Instagram Audience (220,000+ Followeirs)
Social Media Boost
Push your reach even farther
Per release
Includes Facebook or Instagram Audiences (920,000 potential reach)
Expands reach with Facebook or Instagram Advertising Dollars