
PG Perks
With PG Perks you can reach Premier Guitar’s top customers and make them your customers. Your customized PG Perks e-blast will grab the attention of PG’s most engaged readers and direct them to your giveaway promotion or specially discounted sale. Perks offerings are also promoted on PG’s social media pages.
The exclusive Perks promotion is available in two different formats:
• Great way to acquire email addresses
• Simple, easy: PG creates the e-blast layoutt, and hosts and fulfills the giveaway
• Same benefits as above, plus up to 8 market-research questions from our dedicated subscribers
PG Perks Direct Connect
Our most engaged audience is hungry for gear deals! With one promotion, you can gather opt-in emails and get direct sales with your exclusive discount or special offer. You offer will be sent directly to over 128,000, gear-hungry readers who are ready to interact with your brand!

E-Newsletter Sponsorships
PG regularly keeps subscribers up-to-date with several types of e-newsletters in which images of (and links to) your gear can appear:
New-content update (bi-weekly). Sent on Tuesdays and Saturdays, this option places your ad (exclusively or single position) next to the latest content from PremierGuitar.com
Lessons update (monthly). Sent once a month, this recap of all new lessons posted on PremierGuitar.com offers two single positions of exclusive sponsorships.
Gear-review update (monthly). Featuring all reviews posted on PremierGuitar.com in the preceding month, this option features up to 4 banner-ad positions.
Rig Rundown update (monthly). This option recaps the previous month’s Rig Rundown videos.
Custom theme. This option lets you work with our staff to craft a newsletter recapping already-published PG content that complements banner ads for the gear or service you wish to publicize. Check with your ad rep. for availability.
Enhanced Press Release
For companies that receive new gear coverage on PremierGuitar.com: Congrats! Now you can reach hundreds of thousands of additional players with an Enhanced Press Release in Premier Guitar‘s newsletter.
We’ll showcase your announcement, with your product image prominently displayed, to readers on our other platforms.
Pricing starts at $795.

PG Deals
This shared offer blast will drive traffic to your e-commerce page and help sales soar. Just $699 gets your 600×400 pod in front of our most engaged audience: the 128,000-plus PG Perks Members, the PG Deals Landing Page, and shared promotion on Facebook.