What is Mystery Stocking?
It’s never too early to think about promoting your brand this holiday season. Let us help you get a jump on your holiday promotion forÂ
FREE with our annual Mystery Stocking.
Santa delivered dozens of pedals, hundreds of straps, thousands of packs of strings & accessories, books, gift certificates, coupons, CDs, and guitars to loyal guitarists in last year's Mystery Stockings.
We put as much of your brand’s gear and swag as you can send us in every Mystery Stocking, then we deliver you a ton of FREE exposure, including a banner package worth up to 300,000 impressions*!
We’ll take just about anything you may have...
• Guitars
• Pedals
• Cables
• Tuners & Pickups
• Picks & Strings
• T-shirts & Hats
• Stickers, Mugs, Koozies, or other promotional materials
(Promotional items alone do not qualify for banner impressions)
• Donating companies receive a run-of-site banner package worth up to 300,000 impressions!
• Tagged Social Media posts
• Your logo in our Mystery Stocking Landing Page (Click here to see last year's)
The deadline for us to receive your Stocking items is October 24, 2022.
Items should be shipped to:
Premier Guitar
Attn: Pedalmania
Three Research Center
Marion, IA 52302r
Shannon Burmeister
• Please note all banners will be served in the order they are received, as inventory allows. We cannot guarantee specific dates for your web campaign.