Premier Guitar Factory-Tour Guidelines & Requests
Thanks for partnering with Premier Guitar to film a tour of your facilities. We’re excited to take the guitar community inside your operation so they have a greater appreciation for the gear you design and manufacture, and the company’s unique place in the industry. To ensure the visit goes as smoothly as possible, here’s a checklist of guidelines we hope you find helpful. (Of course, if you don’t find the answers you seek here, feel free to reach out to your PG rep.)
Detailed instructions are shown below, but here is a quick checklist of key items:
- Prior to the PG visit
- Schedule on-camera representatives for the day of PG’s visit and make sure they know which areas/products/processes they will be presenting
- Ensure that relevant areas of the factory/shop are operating on the day of the shoot
- Notify PG of any Covid-related safety requirements that will be in effect at the facility at the time of the shoot
- On the day of the tour/video shoot
- Plan the sequencing of the video tour’s progression through your shop
- Notify PG of any sensitive/proprietary items that you don’t want to inadvertently show up on camera
- Arrange employee breaks/lunches around the shooting schedule to ensure relevant personnel are available at the needed times
Our team will be in touch with you to make sure arrival time and other logistics are coordinated for maximum efficiency. Ideally, all relevant processes can be filmed on the same day, but we understand snags sometimes arise. Please let us know in advance if we’ll need more than one business day to capture the entire process.
Video Personnel
- Please designate a single person as the company’s primary on-camera representative for the duration of the video. This individual should:
- Feel comfortable, natural, and at-ease with being filmed
- Be able to guide the flow of the tour itself, narrate what’s being viewed, and field questions relative to steps and processes observed at every point in the tour
- Specialists at various stops along the tour are welcome to add commentary on a given task or process—this helps the video feel both more informative and more fun. Wherever possible, please prep specialists you think the audience will enjoy hearing from in advance.
On-camera representatives will be outfitted by our team with wireless lav mics.
Shop Prep
It may be necessary at certain points to temporarily halt nearby processes or momentarily shut down machinery that could interfere with on-camera discussion. Additionally:
- If there are any production processes you do not wish to show in the video, please alert the PG team once they are on site so they can plan the shoot accordingly.
- It’s difficult for us to estimate how long the shoot will take prior to arrival, but rest assured we’re careful not to keep workers from important tasks longer than necessary. Please plan employee breaks and lunches to ensure relevant personnel are available at the needed times. Any flexibility they can build into their schedules is much appreciated, too.
- We know crew members’ workstations are optimized to their tasks, but if there are tight spaces at any stops along the tour, we may need their help to accommodate our video rig (two tripod-mounted cameras and a tripod light kit).
Editing & Publication
Premier Guitar is as excited to share footage of your operation as you are, so we’ll be sure to keep you apprised of progress and provide plenty of advance notice so you can help share the experience online. Your PG sales rep can help field any questions you may have about publication after the shoot.
Thanks again for working with us. We look forward to making this happen!
—The Premier Guitar editorial team